Thursday, 3 February 2011

My inspiration

Yesterday I received some copies of photographs of a very special and exciting day in my life. It was so nice to get some post that wasn't a bill, a circular or just something boring and it reminded me of how much I love getting a letter or a postcard and how quite a number of years had passes since I have actually had either of these. The feeling of anticipation you get when you're expecting a letter or something good through the mail is a great and positive buzz and I want that more often. In these hard times something so simple can make a difference to you and the recipient!

With the invention of Facebook, Twitter and I suppose email, all these traditional ways of staying in touch with one another have become redundant. Even Birthday and Christmas cards have given way to mass texts, tweets, emails etc and I'm as guilty of that as the next person. But it's terribly sad when you think about it so I thought I'd tweet and say how much I wanted people to write letters. This tweet was met with an exceptional response and so that's why I've set up this page. Where it goes and how good it ends up being ultimately lies with all of you.

I'd love you to join my blog page, invite other like minded people and then we can start sorting out people to write to and all that jazz. I'm very excited about this and judging by your messages to me, you lot are just as happy as me to get this off the ground.

I welcome any suggestions on how you think I should do this and I'll let you know my thoughts shortly and you can see what you think.

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